Microtrans is licensed by Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi to carry out electrical installation, testing, repair and servicing. We also possess the necessary relevant instrument i.e. Insulation Tester, Earth Resistance Tester, Volt-Meter, Arm-Meter, multimeter etc for carrying out electrical work. Traffic Signal Installation is a specialised task which is undertaken by our expert team who ensure installed traffic control infrastructure is better usable by motorist, bicycle and pedestrian. Microtrans Installation Team is highly experience in execution of turnkey project of Traffic Signal Systems across India.
We carry out various electrical and civil activities includes road cutting, trenching, ducting, cable laying, installation of Electronic & Electrical components of the project and civil work such as foundation and installation of Traffic Poles. Further perform testing and commissioning of complete systems. Our team address all mobility and safety measures as well as opportunities to enhance the accessible road spaces. We also follow International and Indian Standard guidelines (IRC) during installation of Road Traffic Signals. A number of health and safety procedures are being be taken into account during the installation of traffic signals as there are a number of significant hazards such as working alongside live traffic, working at height and working with live electricity .
On existing traffic intersection installation, we usually arrange a form of temporary traffic management and in busy situations, we organize installation work in off peak hours early morning and late night or Saturday & Sunday to minimise traffic congestion, although this does vary depending on the location of the installation.
Pre- Installation Test
Each piece of equipment, component, element and appurtenance, of the Traffic Control system is individually tested by our Project Engineer under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Project Manager / Client’s Engineer before installation. Pre – installation tests shall emphasize proper operation and functioning of each unit of equipment, component, element and appurtenance, whether manufactured and or assembled by the Contractor himself or supplied by a sub-Contractor or a manufacturer other than the Contractor.
No pre – installation test shall be considered complete unless the unit being tested meets, in the judgment of the Engineer, all the material, operating and performs criteria established in the Contract Documents.
Any unit that fails to pass any pre – installation test shall be so marked by the Project Engineer and shall be replaced by the Supplier until the replacement passes all pre – installation tests to the satisfaction of the Project Engineer / Client’s Engineer.
No unit shall be installed in the field unless the Engineer issues a pre – Installation Test Certificate indicating that the unit has passed required tests to his satisfaction.
The Engineer shall have the option of waving pre – installation testing requirements for a group of like units, after testing a sufficient number of units, randomly selected by him, from such group of like units.
Post – Installation Test
Following the installation of equipment, components, elements and appurtenances of the Traffic Control System, we perform post-installation test under the supervision of Project Manager and to the satisfaction of the Client’s Engineer. Post installation test shall emphasize the functional operation and performance of a systems as well as the performance of its components.
Post installation test shall be considered complete unless the system and its components being tested meet, in the judgment criteria established in the Contract Documents.
Any system or its components that fail to the pass any post-installation test shall be replaced by us or supplier until the replacement passes all post-installation tests to the satisfaction of Project Manager / Client’s Engineer.
System Start-up and Initial Operation
Following the issuance of a Post Installation Test Certificate by the Project Manager / Engineer, we shall start up the systems that passed the post-installation test, and shall continuously operate the system for an initial operation period of time. The Project Engineer, Project Manager and Client’s -personnel shall be present at the start-up and initial operation of all equipment, components and systems.
During the initial operation period, we shall continuously observe and monitor the operation of the system and shall make final adjustments and corrections to the systems to the satisfaction of the Project Manager / Engineer. If during the initial operation period major systems and / or component defects are identified which, in the judgment of the Engineer, require modifications to the system and / or its components, the initial operation period shall restart the following the completion of the subject modifications to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Site Acceptance Test
When the Traffic Control system started – up and performs to the satisfaction of the Engineer during the initial operation period of time. We shall handover all wiring diagram, installation manual and intersection drawings, Consumption report of materials, measurements, all the document related to operation and maintenance of Traffic Control System to the Project Manager.
Keyword : Traffic Light Product knowledge training, Traffic Signal training, traffic control system training, traffic light training, Traffic Signal Controller training. Traffic light operation and maintenance training